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On the 13th day of September 1869, a number of local Masons, 12 in all met at the James building (now O.R. Steadman & Son Jewelers store) to consider the advisability of organizing a Masonic Lodge in Thorold.


It was resolved at this meeting, that a petition be prepared requesting authority to establish a Masonic Lodge in the village of Thorold, also at this meeting it was regularly moved and seconded and passed that the name of the proposed new lodge be Mountain Lodge; with regular meetings to be held on the Wednesday of each month, on or before the full moon.


The petition requesting a charter was properly drawn up and signed by 22 district Masons. The petition was then sent to the Ruling Master of the St. Georges Lodge No. 15 St. Catharines, who recommended to Most Wor. Bro. A.A. Stevenson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the province of Ontario, that the request for a Lodge in the village of Thorold be granted, with Maple Leaf No. 103 as the sponsoring lodge.


On October 20th 1869 it was learned that the petition had been favorably received and a Warrant of Constitution was being prepared.


On December 27th 1869, Rt. Wor. Bro. James Seymour, Deputy Grand Master installed Wor. Bro. John Dale, a past Master of Maple Leaf Lodge No 103, as Wor. Master of Mountain Lodge.


On Wednesday Aug. 10th 1870 at a regular meeting the Brethren were informed that the Warrant of Constitution had been granted and Mountain Lodge was assigned No. 221 for the official number. At this time regular meetings of Mountain Lodge were held in the Cloy Building at 15 Albert St. W. in Thorold.


In 1890 meetings were held in the Masonic Building at 34 Front St. S. Thorold on a rented basis. In 1920 the building was purchased by the Masonic Brethren and meetings were held here until the spring of 1983 when Mountain Lodge requested permission to hold meetings in the Masonic Temple at 23 Centre St., St. Catharines. This request was duly granted and at this time some of the furnishings i.e.: the masters and wardens chairs, the columns etc. were donated to the Lodge Room at Pioneer Village. In the Lodge Room at 23 Centre St., St. Catharines the altar and the pedestals for the master and warden are in use.

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